Saturday, December 4, 2010

Release the Kracken...or is it the Crackin?

We did it. We might have jumped the gun, but this is a bell we don't think we can un-ring. I keep thinking that this might have been a huge mistake. I mean, why on earth would someone purposely make a huge change when there was nothing wrong in the first place. We just jumped head first into the pool and we don't know if we are in the deep end or the shallow end.

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We converted

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Isabelle's crib

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into a

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toddler bed.

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We purposely uncaged the beast. She now has free roam of the bedroom at all times. So with her new found freedom a few key things needed to be changed.

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Unfortunately, poor Devon had a lot of his things taken away. Most important was his beloved bucket of cars. It seems like everyday something else leaves the room. Of course this is all done to facilitate naps and nighttime sleep. It seems that while Izzy was caged, both were great sleepers. However now that Izzy is free she is a really bad influence on Devon. The first few naps, they did not sleep at all. But, that was to be expected...right? I do have to admit I love hearing those two talk, laugh and scream with delight alone in their room.

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I should add that the joy in Izzy's eyes now at nap/nighttime is delicious. She loves having this control. While I know it will be short lived I just want to savor the wonderfulness of it all. I know once she figures out the door, life will be HELL. I am hoping that is well after the new baby arrives.

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While our books will never be quite the same or even usable, it is so worth the change over. My little lady is growing up.

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I do think it is funny what happened to Devon during this transformation. First off, he now has two beds to jump on...JOY! Secondly, he has rediscovered the baby mirror in Isabelle's crib...I mean bed. Everyday he will jump up and land on his knees right in front of it. Then he will see his reflection and yell "DEVON" in a husky tone. Adorable does not even come close.

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He also has developed (well he did it once) a climbing thing. Let's hope it was a fluke. Of course I took a few pictures before I corrected him!

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So we have been living with this reality for a week now. And some days I just shank my head and wonder if this was right most times I just know it was right for our family. Izzy has grown in her independence and Devon has been able to really show how how much love he has for his sister. There has been countless times I witnessed over the video monitor these charming acts of brotherly love from him. He will deliver the magic dog, or put a blanket over her or even try to help Izzy stick to the rules of bedtime. That is the best reward. Wow, I got cheesy there! Sorry!

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Enjoy the little insignificant things tonight!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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