Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Playdoh and Play cars

I had a bit of trouble with Playdoh.  Not the mess it makes.  Not the gross smell.  Not the little pieces that collect under the finger nails.  Non of that.  I had trouble with the kids mixing the colors.  Like major trouble with this part.  ????  I don't understand it myself.  But I just could not get over the fact that the colors will be mixed and then the kids would not have a fun time with the playdoh after that.  I thought that if the color of the hotdog was not realistic they would reject the tactile dough and move on to something else.  Well, after a few phone calls to Kristin and my mom I finally worked myself into giving the kids more than one color to play with at a time.  I just let them be free with it. 


And you know what, they loved it. Of course you knew that. Everyone knows this. But OCD Art mom just did not. They don't care that now we have a lovely shade of slate blue playdoh to play with. They just love making snakes and plates and balls and piles of it.


All mixed up. All blended into a new shade. And I am OK with it all. (except the smell...)

Corbin was just being a rock star during the day lately. He is up much more and becoming much more aware of the world around him. I really look forward to the day that we can take him out into the world and just hang out in the yard under the playground and just look at the clouds together. But I will have to be happy with floor cuddles.


My little peely baby!

Scott and I have started to purge the house and our lives of all the excess that chokes us every day. Reducing the clutter has really helped us just be able to maintain the organization in the house.  However, sometimes a box here or there remains and becomes a magical object.



Yep, this was hours and hours of fun (and only a few tears when Izzy scribbled on Devon's steering wheel). I had to secretly toss it in the recycle pile after a few days and the fact that it was totally falling apart. Can I just say I love FREE toys!

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